R is for Revving the Engine

Helping to put together the annual Pikes Peak Writers Conference is a lot of work, over a long period of time.

Wow, if that didn’t get laughs, what will?

Truth is, I love doing it. Yes, it’s tiring. Yes, you run across people who are difficult to deal with. Yes, personalities clash. But when the whole thing comes together and you can just about see sparks of creativity burning in the air above people’s’ heads? It is all so worth it.

Don’t get me wrong. I’m not selfless, not by a long shot. Part of the reason I enjoy the conference is because it’s going increase my own chances of getting published.

But the excitement in the air is palpable. I get such a charge, get so revved up, just from being around all those other writers for an entire weekend.

I’m still trying to take in and digest everything that happened at this year’s conference.

And catch up on my blog. I do have priorities, you know.

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